Hey Kittens! As you can see by the title, I've got a new feature for my bloggins. This is where I find recipes on pinterest, make it, and show you all the results, for better or worse. Then I give it a rating from Nailed it and the way down to
*Sad Trombone* (Yes, I found those on pinterest. Yes, I made those. Yes, they are nightmare fuel.) I've never made any of these recipes before and I expect a lot of sad trombones in the future. I'll try to do this once a month, but honestly you are just lucky that I picked a day to update regularly.
You can expect the first full week of the month to always be a bake for my Vaginal Fantasy Hangout. It's a book club, I swear! This months theme was
douche-bag elves, or something. I hated the book but I always get really excited about baking things for people who will eat it. I throw away a lot of tasty things and that make me die a little inside. Usually, I make something that reminds me of the book. But since I hated the book, I just made whatever the hell I wanted: Peanut butter cookies and a Brownie batter dip. That's right babies, not one but two pinspirations for you. Let's start with the easy one shall we! (normally I'd put the recipe picture here but it's not mine so...
Bam? |
Brownie batter dip, is AMAZING! Fo reals, I had no troubles making this and it was more tasty than I expected it to be. Which is saying something because that shit looks like heaven. It really does taste exactly like brownie batter, except no raw eggs to make you puke all over. Here's what mine looked like.
It also kinda looks like shit |
The reviews were through the roof. Most people simply demanded a spoon, which I think says a lot about my peanut butter cookies. I am totes going to make this again and use it for something amazing you just wait. My rating is a solid
Nailed it!
Now I have to regale you with the tale of Me vs.
The Peanut Butter Cookies.There's a bit story before the recipe but I didn't read it. In fact, I didn't realize until I was half way done writing it into my book that you have to refrigerate it for at least 3 hours. Had I known, I might have tried to find something easier but it was too late. I started off really well.
Trust me, this looks great. |
I shoved that in the back of my fridge and thought I could just pick back up the next night. Apparently there are more steps between fridge and bake that Mr. Whats-his-face neglected to tell me about. Because when I went back to my dough it was a rock. Like a solid rock, which I broke into several smaller rocks.
what the fuck do i do with this!? |
I dont enjoy any cookie that takes longer to prepare than to eat so I'm already pissed and then this. I have no experience with this. I've never made a peanut butter cookie in my life and I was under the impression that they were easy. I mean, look at the way they dress! I spent the next 10 minutes heating them up in the oven and then doing some kind of weird ass cookie CPR. There are no pictures of this stage because I was wrist deep in frozen anger dough. Through some combination of luck and skill I somehow managed to end up with this.
Wha...how? |
Seriously, Internet, I was writing it in my head as I was working. Expecting to tell you all to stay far away from all peanut butter cookies, for they are the enemy of civil men, but honestly look at that! They are perfectly forked even! I don't know how this happened, I think I was in a cookie coma. That still wasnt the last of my troubles, either the CPR I did over mixed them or the times on that recipe are really high. One of those two things cause them to be way over baked and dry. Oh, and if you are wondering what a PB cookie looks like if you don't fork it, I have the answer for you.
Little melon ball looking mother fuckers! |
If I had to give a rating, and I do, I would give it a half-hearted Meh. Overall, I'm not too mad with the way they turned out but I doubt I will be using this recipe again. But that opens up all kinds of doors for me. Now I'm going on a journey to find and make the best damned peanut butter cookies on the face of the planet! I promise you, I'll tell you all about it.
That's it for this week, but if you still desire more sweet baking action may I suggest you play
Papa's Cupcakeria. I have played all the papa's game religiously and this one just came out this week. You guys are lucky that I stepped away from my virtual oven long enough to see my real one.
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