I'll be honest with you guys, I started playing Fallout and totally forgot today was Friday. Luckily, I didn't forget to bake something this week or else you would have ended up with another article like the one a few weeks ago. I was going to apologize for writing about cookies again but then I remembered "fuck you, cookies are awesome." While doing research on peanut butter cookies I found a recipe that stated "If it doesn't have flour, it can't be called a cookie." I call bullshit on that theory and I brought proof of my statements. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you
The Paper.
Exhibit A |
If you will notice, not a drop of flour goes in this and I defy any one of you to make it and not call it a cookie. I love this recipe so much that I gave it to all of my friends one year at a Christmas cookie swapping party. These are so popular that I made around 42 of these things and they were gone in a day. I did have them around hungry actors though, so maybe that was my fault. These are super simple to make but not so easy to stir. If you have as little upper body strength as I do you are going to want to invite some muscles over to help you. Like most cookies, these start with sugar and butter and more sugar. Then, after the vanilla, baking soda and what I consider to be a shit load of eggs, it looks a little something like this.
Hey there Timmy |
Did I mention peanut butter, because I'm pretty there is some of that in there too. This is where the muscles come in handy. I used the one's conveniently attached to my husband. Add the oats, m&ms and chocolate chips. Funny story, I threw away my only semi-sweet chocolate chips, literally minutes before trying to make these. The moral of that story is that I am an idiot. But it was a happy accident because I had to use chocolate chunks and those are never not amazing. Double negative used for dramatic intent.
Put it in your mouth! |
Melon ball that shit onto some parchment paper, like the bad ass you know you are. I baked nine at a time instead of a whole dozen since they are so monstrous. I left them on the tray for a few minutes after baking but if you've been paying attention and can do math you should know that I baked a shit ton of batches. I only have two baking sheets but I discovered the secret to cooling metal fast. Wave it around in the air for a few minutes like a fan, stick it in the fridge for several minutes, then freeze for 10 seconds and it's room temp again.
Damn that's pretty |
Did you know that cookies are not photogenic. That's why I'm extra proud of that picture. Normally, even the tastiest cookies look like shit but, seriously just damn! You will not be disappointed with these. Make them or I will cut you! We've gotten to the point of threats of violence so maybe I should just leave you with this weeks thing of awesomeness and head back to the Mojave wasteland. If you are the kind of person who appreciates a casually profane baking blog then you need to buy
Cards against Humanity. Wil Wheaton and I agree BEST. GAME. EVER.
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